People high-fiving

The Gallup Strengths Center classifies 34 Strengths Themes into four domains. In this article, we will discuss the Influencing domain, which considers how an individual makes an impact on others by creating a presence and making sure other voices are heard.

The Influencing Strengths


  • These people are good at turning ideas and thoughts into action.
  • When the Activator strength is overused, these people may come off as pushy.


  • These people are good at creating a presence in social situations.
  • When the Command strength is overused, these people may come off as intimidating to others.


  • These people are good at holding conversations.
  • When the Communication strength is overused, these people may start to rely on their natural talent instead of putting in the work to prepare beforehand, such as preparing for a big presentation.


  • These people are good at measuring their progress and striving under pressure.
  • When the Competition strength is overused, these people often don’t deal well when they lose.


  • These people are good at stimulating energy and excellence from other individuals and groups.
  • When the Maximizer strength is overused, these people often find it hard talk about their own weaknesses or those of others.


  • These people are good at finding confidence in themselves and in their decisions.
  • When the Self-Assurance strength is overused, these people often find themselves coming off as self-righteous.


  • These people are good at being independent and prioritizing projects with the most impact.
  • When the Significance strength is overused, these people often have a hard time dealing with failure.


  • These people are good at meeting new people and winning them over.
  • When the Woo strength is overused, these people may often come off as insincere and too friendly.

Influencing Others to Lead Others, Speak Up and Make Sure Others’ Voices Are Being Heard.

In summary: People who have Influencing Strengths as one of their top strengths are good at helping their teams persuade others and win clients.

“People who have Influencing Strengths as one of their top strengths are good at helping their teams persuade others and win clients.”

If you want to know more about strengths coaching, feel free to email us at