Man playing chess

The Gallup Strengths Center classifies 34 Strengths Themes into four domains. In this article, we will discuss the Strategic Thinking domain, which considers how an individual thinks about and analyzes information or situations.

The Strategic Thinking Strengths


  • These people are good at coming up with reasons for a problem and the factors that affect the problem.
  • When the Analytical strength is overused, these people’s insistence on reasoning and logic can come off as having no regard for other people’s opinions or thoughts.


  • These people are good at understanding the present by having a strong grasp of the past.
  • When the Context strength is overused, these people could find it difficult to accept change and adjust to new situations.


  • These people are good at finding inspiration for the future and visualizing the possibilities.
  • When the Futuristic strength is overused, these people may overpromise on their visions by underdeliver the actual results.


  • These people are good at finding connections and trends between separate pieces of information.
  • When the Ideation strength is overused, these people may become too invested in their ideas instead of actually executed them.


  • These people are good at collecting things that interest them, such as information, ideas, and relationships.
  • When the Input strength is overused, these people may have a difficult time letting go of certain ideas or people.


  • These people are good at introspection and having intellectual discussions.
  • When the Intellection strength is overused, these people tend to feel dissatisfied when they notice that their daily lives are not aligned with their intellectual philosophies.


  • These people are good at enjoying the process of learning and wanting to continuously improve.
  • When the Learner strength is overused, these people may end up taking on too many learning opportunities and burn out as a result.


  • These people are good at coming up with alternative solutions to a situation and at identifying issues and patterns.
  • When the Strategic strength is overused, these people may push their ideas forward too strongly and thus find resistance from others as a result.

Making Better Decisions So You Can Create Better Situational Outcomes

In summary: People who have Strategic Thinking Strengths as one of their top strengths are good at helping their teams thinking with the future in mind.

“People who have Strategic Thinking Strengths as one of their top strengths are good at helping their teams thinking with the future in mind.”

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